Preamble: | These By Laws are based on the principles found in the following sources: 1. The Book of Common Prayer, Canada 1962 (BCP); 2. The Book of Alternative Services, Canada 1985 (BAS); 3. Canon Law of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island (CL); 4. Bishop’s Guidelines for Clergy and Parish Officers (BG); 5. Previous Church By Laws; and 6. Local Customs and Practices. |
By Law #01 | These By Laws may be revised from time to time according to the needs of changing times and circumstances, but always in accord with the proper documents of authority in the Anglican Church of Canada, especially the Prayer Book, Canon Law and Bishop’s Guidelines. |
By Law #02 | This revision of the Cemetery By Laws is not intended to set aside the terms of agreement whereby anyone acquired a plot and/or grave in the past. |
By Law #03 | The St. Stephen’s Cemetery Committee is to consist of at least three members of St. Stephen’s Church, one of whom shall represent the Cemetery Committee on the Church Council. |
By Law #04 | The Cemetery Committee may determine, from time to time, the disposition of any unused portion of any gravelot considered to be no longer required by the original plot holder. |
By Law #05 | All tombstones must be placed on a concrete base, and no wider than 36” for a single grave. |
By Law #06 | The costs of purchase and placement of tombstones shall be borne by the family or estate of the deceased. Necessary repair to damaged headstones is also the responsibility of the family. |
By Law #07 | The Cemetery Committee must be consulted in the placing and location of tombstones, and the method of placement. |
By Law #08 | Anyone acquiring a burial plot and/or grave(s) within St. Stephen’s Cemetery will, usually, be a member of St. Stephen’s Church, in good standing. A member of another church within the Parish of New London. Permission to buy a plot must be granted by St. Stephen’s Cemetery Committee and is subject to the Committee’s assessment. |
By Law #09 | Those deceased persons buried in St. Stephen’s Cemetery will, usually, have been members of the Anglican Church, although provision may also be made, from time to time, for parents, spouses, children or siblings of Anglicans, although not Anglicans themselves. |
By Law #10 | No grave may be dug within the cemetery without prior approval being given by a Cemetery representative as to the location of such grave. |
By Law #11 | It shall be the responsibility of the plot holder, his or her executors, or another designated responsible person, to remove the excess clay from the grave excavation and to dispose of the same in a designated area. |
By Law #12 | The amount required for the purchase of plots, graves, and/or perpetual care shall be determined by an Annual Meeting, or a special meeting of the congregation called for that purpose. The current figure must be kept posted in the Cemetery Record Book |
By Law #13 | Each burial at St. Stephen’s Cemetery will cost: Parishioner - $250.00 Non-parishioner - $600.00 |
By Law #14 | St. Stephen’s Cemetery Funds will be invested under the authority of a Congregational Meeting. |
By Law #15 | The Rector, Incumbent, or other Priest responsible for burials has certain other rights and responsibilities established in the Prayer Book, Canon Law and the Bishop’s Guidelines which may bear on the execution of burials and these By Laws from time to time. |
By Law #16 | No burial may take place without the explicit permission of the Rector, Incumbent or other Priest in charge and/or the Wardens and/or the Cemetery Committee of the Parish of New London. |
By Law #17 | No burial may take place unless it is conducted according to the rites of the Anglican Church except in rare circumstances with the explicit permission of the Rector, Incumbent or other Priest in charge of the Parish of New London. |
By Law #18 | Situations not covered explicitly by these By Laws shall be the responsibility of the Cemetery Committee, the Church Wardens, and/or the Incumbent of the Parish of New London, or the Bishop exercising episcopal jurisdiction in Prince Edward Island. |
By Law #19 | Only one burial per grave is permitted |
By Law #20 | Perpetual care includes leveling the ground and cutting the grass and general maintenance of the cemetery. |
By Law #21 | Bushes, shrubs, or trees shall not be planted anywhere in the cemetery without prior permission of the Cemetery Committee. |
You may download a copy of the St. Stephen’s Cemetery By Laws HERE