Jesus instituted two sacraments for his disciples to follow: baptism and Holy Eucharist. Baptism leads to Eucharist. These are considered the Greater Sacraments in the Anglican Church. Other, lesser, sacraments are confirmation, marriage, ordination, unction, and burial.
From the time of the early church Baptism has been an important sacrament. Initiation into the Church was, and is, a vital concern of the whole Christian community, not only to the baptismal candidate and family. Baptism is possible at any age. Preparation of the candidate is the responsibility of both ordained and lay people of the congregation. Often there are God-parents or sponsors for those being baptized, including for adults.
Becoming a Christian has much to do with learning to live a new lifestyle within the Christian community as well as with new beliefs. The time of baptism should be within the context of the main Sunday worship, when the whole community is gathered to celebrate the Holy Eucharist. The newly baptized can then receive the Eucharist for the first time.
Days which are particularly suited to baptism are: Easter (especially the Vigil), Pentecost, All Saints, and the Baptism of the Lord, and days when the Bishop is present.**
Contact the Rector to make arrangements for baptism for yourself or a family member.
** Book of Alternative Services, p 146-7
Holy Eucharist
We celebrate the Holy Eucharist in honour of Jesus’ last meal with his disciples. It was there that Jesus shared the cup of wine and the bread after blessing them and offering God thanks. Jesus instructed his disciples to continue to “do this in his memory”.
All who are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and are regular communicants in their own church are welcome to receive here at the Lord’s table. Gluten free is available.
The Church recognizes that with infant/ young child baptism there comes a time in each one’s life when one must affirm for oneself those promises and vows made on one’s behalf at baptism. A time of instruction precedes the rite of Confirmation.
Reception into the Anglican Church from another denomination is also available for those desiring to do so.
Contact the Rector to make arrangements for either of these.
Marriage is a public service of the Church. Therefore it should be solemnized in the body of the church in the presence of family and friends.
The couple proposing marriage within the church should make contact with the Rector as soon as possible to reserve both the clergy and the church. A minimum of sixty days is suggested. More time would be beneficial in order to have the date, church, and cleric the couple desires.
Marriage in the Christian Church is for those who are baptized. If one of the couple is not baptized it needs to be spoken of as early as possible. Marriage Preparation is required for all. The requirements of the civil laws of the province must be met. A Marriage License is required and can be obtained through PEI Government Department of Vital Statistics. There is a fee. The License must be provided to the officiating clergy at least one week prior to the wedding date.
There are various fees for marriages within the church: organist, church, officiating clergy.
Consult with the Rector for further information.
There are three cemeteries within the parish. They are located at St Thomas’, Spring Brook; St Stephen’s, Irishtown; and St Elizabeth’s, Springfield. Each has its own Policy/Guidelines for use. Typically the cemetery is for regular, active, contributing members of the congregation. Exceptions may be made with consultation with the Rector and the individual cemetery committee. Fees are required.
See Cemetery Guidelines/Policies under each church.